or changed since i was 1yo,
when my father died when i was 10yo, then moving on to taipei, taiwan
then for the last
when my father died when i was 10yo, then moving on to taipei, taiwan
then for the last
15 years of my life
mentally, physically, emotionally...
(me, arnel aka Lena, Chona aka Lola C)
but surely these pictures have brought me
back to that time, that life is still
simple. going to work. meeting friends
after office.
that these people have been
an encouragement, a friend,
a sister. oh yes! no brothers, sisters... LOL!
that as soon as our eyes meet,
words are not needed. be it fun,
problems or whatever...
we just knew each other. to
a point that we seem like one.
(on the boat to Coco-Loco Island
Roxas, Palawan, Philippines)
and not mentioning,
the food that we ate, the restaurants..
but as friends or sisters,
it is not always smooth. there are times that
we argue (healthy!),
what can we do... we are
all bright, smart and brainy sister (bwahaha...)
we keptdistance from one another.
but, we went all through those
what can we do... we are
all bright, smart and brainy sister (bwahaha...)
we keptdistance from one another.
but, we went all through those
and look how we all miss each other
and look at each other now.
(Chona, me, Maida, Arnel and John)
we still love each other.
we bring the child-like attitude from each
other as too have fun to the max.
as well as bring the maturity when it
as well as bring the maturity when it
is needed... oh guys!
i miss you all...
and there are a lot of people to mention.
Ate Mavie benitez, my long long time bestfriend and sister...
Marivic Condino Castillo,
John August Pamintuan
Demy Dizon
Arnold Toreccer
John Pujol
(wish i can find pictures of us together)

this is sir arnel and miss maidz office...
i'm an intruder... and maam c
somewhat like a visitor...
her office is on the other side of the world...
Chimchim, Xtian, Kuya Rolly, ate Mavie, TJ
and my godson Oboy
Marivic Condino Castillo
we are family...
i got my SISTAH's with me... LOL!

kami pa din...
John Pujol
i'm an intruder... and maam c
somewhat like a visitor...
her office is on the other side of the world...
Chimchim, Xtian, Kuya Rolly, ate Mavie, TJ
and my godson Oboy
Marivic Condino Castillo
we are family...
i got my SISTAH's with me... LOL!
oh i am touched. yes ga, we are indeed sisters! no arguments and issues as high as mountains can break our friendship. well, we are indeed blessed with good friends and i thank God too for all of you!!! muuaahhhh